Archived Seminars

Archived Seminars

Past Seminars

Recap of the October 2023 Department Wide Speaker Event

The CS department had the lucky opportunity to host several speakers from the military last Thursday, for the biggest speaker event of the semester so far! Hosted in the student center, students got the opportunity to talk with a brilliant software engineer at Lockheed Martin, and the bright minds over at the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC).

To learn more, click here.

Posted 10.27.23

Performance Engineering on the Aegis Weapons System

2/28 @5pm via Webex
Mike Berenato
ASRC Federal Mission Solutions (AFMS)

Lecture Abstract:

The Aegis System is a centralized, automated, command-and-control (C2), radar and weapons system whose unique requirements dictate a real-time operating environment. As a result, the tactical applications that comprise the system are validated against a set of functional and performance requirements. This talk will address some of the issues faced and techniques employed by the ASRC Federal Mission Solutions software development team to ensure our delivered capabilities meet those requirements. Topics covered:

  1. The “cornerstones” of Aegis System performance
  2. Core Resource Monitoring (CPU, Memory, Storage, Network)
  3. Collection Techniques and Tools
  4. The Value of Instrumentation
  5. Tuning the Operating System for Determinism


Speaker Bio:

Mike Berenato is a Solutions Architect with ASRC Federal Mission Solutions (AFMS) in Moorestown, NJ. He participates in engineering, development, and support activities for the U.S. Navy’s Aegis Weapons System. Mike has 40 years of diverse software experience on Aegis as well as other AFMS projects. He holds a BBA in Computer Information Sciences from Temple University and a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from Villanova University.


Information Sessions in Regards to Student Funding Opportunties

Thursday, March 26 @ 6:30 pm in Wetsby 111- Performance Engineering by Mike Berenato & Justin Read of AFMS

The talk will discuss the following:

o   Provide an understanding of why Performance Engineering is needed

o   Introduce Performance Engineering concepts

o   Discuss how we apply these concepts to ensure that we meet our performance requirements

o   Provide practical examples of how we tune our core resources: CPU, Memory, Storage and Network

On Friday, February 28th, 2020 and Friday, March 13th, 2020, there will be an Information Session for various Student Funding Opportunities. These opportunities include: Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN), NFS SFS, and Teaching Fellows. The time of the sessions will be at 2:00pm room theses sessions are occuring in are to be determined, so keep an eye out if you are intereseted in learning more.

Thursday, February 27, 2020 in Westby 111 - Next Generation APIs with GraphQL by Chris Mathews, Executive Director, Distinguished Engineer and Kung Fu Coder at JP Morgan

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data created originally at Facebook. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools. Join us to learn about GraphQL and how it is being used to deliver the Next Generation of APIs.

Thursday, February 6 @ 6:30 pm in Westby 111 – Agile Software Engineering, by Kim Davis of AFMS

Fundamentals of Agile Software Development will provide students with an understanding of the principles of Agile and the various ways it can be implemented and executed.   This overview will cover the following areas to allow the audience to understand the importance of the fundamentals. 

  • How Agile is different from Waterfall
  • Key terminology and roles
  • Process Overview & Techniques
  • Fundamental driven exercises

Thursday, November 7 @ 6:30 pm in Westby 111 – Configuration Management and Technical Debt, by Doug Taggart of Lockheed Martin

This seminar will cover topics ranging from configuration management and continuous integration to static code analysis and technical debt tracking. To many software development ends with the final commit or check-in, usually followed by a brief moment of satisfaction and self-congratulation. But to others this is only a temporary hiatus before the next stage of the software development process begins: configuration management, and software quality assurance. A process normally shunned by most software engineers, CM and SQA play a vital role in the delivery of a polished software product and is a cornerstone for most companies in the aerospace and defense sector. For many customers testing alone is not the only requirement needed to guarantee the quality of a deliverable.


Thursday, October 24 @ 6:30 pm in Westby 111 – Secure Coding, by Joseph Patarcity of LM-RMS

Secure Coding is writing computer software with the perspective of security. Defects, bugs and logic flaws are the traditional source of exploitable vulnerabilities. In an internet-of-things age, it is important now more than ever to consider the security implications of the code we write on a day to day basis. We will review key terms, notable exploits and their consequences, and look at C/C++ examples of commonly exploited defects, bugs and logic flaws, providing the perspective needed for secure coding.


Test Driven Development by Garry Ledford of AFMS

The goal of this presentation is to inform students of the concept of test-driven development (TDD), its benefits, applications, and pertinence to object oriented software development. Concepts to be discussed include the TDD cycle, as well as TDD styles, TDD practices, and tools for implementing TDD concepts. Following the presentation, the floor will be open for a Q&A session where students can raise questions or thoughts for further discussion with the presenters.

ASRC Speaker Event - Cyber Security Club

September 20th, 2019 2:30pm-3:30pm Robinson 330A

Come out for a talk on Integrated Security into Dev Ops with Michael Tornari from ASRC Federal.


Graduate Research Seminar- Parallel Tracking & Verifying: A Framework for Real-Time and High Accuracy Visual Tracking

May 1st, 2019-11am - 12pm Robinson 330A

Click HERE for more information

The following is a list of upcoming talks. Please make efforts to attend these talks as they will provide you with opportunities to establish contacts with potential employers as well as to learn about the kind of things that some large companies such as JP Morgan Chase, Lockheed Martin, and ASRC Federal Mission Solutions are doing or care about.

Dynamic Collaborative Visualization Ecosystem (DynaCoVE)
April 30th, 2019- 2:00pm - 3:00pm Robinson 330A

Click HERE for more information


Cyber Security with ASRC Federal

April 10th, 1 pm- 2 pm CS Conference Room

We have invited out an industry professional from ASRC Federal.  Please take this opportunity to network with an industry professional regarding the Cyber Security Field or to learn more about the various duties within! We will have pizza and drinks for those who attend! Hope to see as many of you there as possible!

Undergraduate Research Seminar- Wind Power Forecasting and Visualization

April 10th, 2019-11am - 12pm Robinson 330A

Click HERE for more information