CHSS Laptop Requirement

CHSS Laptop Requirement

CHSS Laptop Requirement

All incoming CHSS students are required to have access to a laptop for coursework. While we do not have a preference for the brand of computer you buy, Rowan University currently uses Lenovo computers on our campuses, and Lenovo has extended our campus pricing to students. If you decide to bring or purchase a computer through means other than the Lenovo website, you must ensure your computer meets the minimum laptop specifications. To review and purchase a Lenovo laptop, or review minimum laptop specifications, visit the appropriate link below:

If incoming students have questions about how this requirement may impact their financial aid, they are encouraged to contact the Office of Financial Aid to review their situation:

Phone: 856-256-4250
Federal School Code: 002609

Instructional Technology supports a wide range of technology services in fulfillment of the College's mission. The services include support of computer and software assets, mobile devices, email, printing, access to network services, network accounts and all aspects of telecommunications within the College. For general support questions, contact: Please click on the following links for more information:


Rowan IT WorkShop              Memorial Hall
856-256-4400                       Rowan Support Desk               General technical support