Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory

Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory


Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory

Ernst Knoesel, experimental optical physics
Michael Lim, experimental optical physics
Hong Ling, theoretical quantum optics


1 Innova 310 Argon Laser: 10 Watts output power; wavelengths 488 nm, 514.5 nm; this laser is used to pump the Ti:sapphire lasers
2 Coherent Model 899-01 broadband ring Ti:sapphire and dye laser: tunable wavelengths 370 nm to beyond 1030 nm.
3 Coherent Mira femtosecond mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser.
4 Continuum Nd:YAG pump laser: provides light at 1064, 532 and 256 nm. This laser is used to pump the visible dye lasers.
5 Two home-built dye lasers: Littman oscillator design with both longitudinal and transverse amplifiers. Provides tunable light throughout the visible and can be frequency doubled to provide ultraviolet light.
6 Home-built external cavity diode lasers, low and high power

Additional Equipment

1 Newport Optical Table - floating laser table, 5' x 8'
2 NRC laser table - 4' x 10'
3 Coherent cw laser power meter.
4 Scientech Pulsed laser power meters
5 Aerotech stepping motors and controller for dye lasers.
6 Inrad doubling optics; controller with two heads.
7 Numerous laser optics, mounts etc.
8 Lock-in Amplifier (Stanford Research Systems)
9 Digital Oscilliscope (LeCroy Model 7200AM)
10 Monochromator (McPherson 8180-347-0)
11 Digital function generator (Hewlett-Packard 33120)
12 Spectrum analyzer (Hewlett Packard 8591E)
13 Hamamatsu photomultiplier tube and power supply.
14 Differentially pumped vacuum system with Time-of-flight ion mass spectrometer.
15 Stanford Research Systems Boxcar amplifiers
16 Ortec and Lecroy pulse generators and amplifiers (NIM)
17 National Instruments IEEE 488 boards and A/D boards.
18 National Instruments Labview software.
19 Optical Faraday rotators and isolators
20 Acousto-optic modulators
21 Liquid crystal modulator
22 DDS frequency generators
23 Phase-locked, amplified, power-leveled microwave sources at 1-6 GHz

This equipment is set up in two 500+ square foot laser labs on the first floor of Science Hall. There is also a 400 square foot space dedicated support space and access to computational and write-up spaces and a machine shop.